
Clara Schumann: Impromptu in E Minor


Aechte Lomeir

Parlour Maid | Rabbit | Theriomorph

A direct, if otherwise reticent individual. Appears distracted on occasion, looking to the surroundings to consider nearby activity if any occurs. Beyond this attentiveness, she is contemplative and insightful, often innovating where she can in her work and leisure. Tends to not talk more than necessary, keeping her words few. May attempt to avoid attention, being more used to listening idly than to contribute to something, whether involved or detached.



Quiet spaces












Art by starbursttide on Toyhouse


A parlour maid, and a more senior member of the staff.

Frequently keeps a distance from activity around the area, but cannot always manage that.

Resides in the Bastille, and puts a considerable degree of effort into her occupation when called to work.


Stands about 108 cm.

Moves quickly when viable, although maintains attention to her surroundings while hurrying.

May attempt to distance herself if perceiving herself as intruding.

Often moves nervously if upset by something. Typically, this involves pacing or peering about.

Attempts to keep her clothing clean, despite not having to worry by far in that regard.

The cloth repels dirt and dust inherently, although attire being torn can be detrimental regardless.

Frequently sweeps and cleans the upper rooms, aside from other important areas.

She is at times called to prepare a space for a meeting, and does so with as much promptness as she can manage.

Reads to an extent when viable, although she focuses more on drawings than written words, finding the latter more descriptive.

Eats with other staff members periodically, but at other times may only have bread from the kitchen.

Occasionally hops in place when excited.

Has once struck another staff member for talking harshly to her, albeit this involved an extensive discussion prior. The basis of the conversation was not made known, even when it was eventually enough to prompt that response.

Rarely violent, which attributes significance to instigating factors.