
Orlando di Lasso: Sidus ex Claro


Aleceto Caminante Vera

Astronomer | Mapper | Cat-sìth

Straightforward and cheerful in tone. Organised and capable in manner. Often there is an effort to maintain awareness socially and vocationally. Frequently appears to disregard his interests to an extent, in favour of outer requirements.


Astronomical phenomena
Catnip tea
Academic writings



Art by wejnyo on Deviantart



Appears to be a local.

Evidently has lived in Oraran for some time.


Has a sound memory.

Often can recall occurrences in detail up to a few months prior, if not further into the past.

Retention encompasses academic knowledge, including astronomical studies.

Recording weather patterns and mapping the night sky occurs almost daily.

Owns and maintains a small number of chronographic instruments and other varieties which note seasonal effects.

Many of these are newer inventions, albeit others are more achaic and magick-oriented.

Capable of acrobatics and limber motions. Jumping to high locations is occasionally viewed as necessary, and by extent can be relevant.

Arcane proficiency is relevant. The quantum of this is uncertain.

Evidently accomplished beyond dexterity and evasion, although he refrains from causing injury to people or the surroundings for the complications that can bring.

An effort to maintain decorum and formality is consistent. Yet, he does not evidently react with lenience when his boundaries are crossed by other individuals.

According to sparse accounts, has 'turned into a burning arrow' and incinerated persons who severely intruded prior.

As this evidently occurred a long time in the past, he does not actively mention that incident.

The reason for this, if not other conflict, appears fragmented or faded.

Evidently long lived, a factor which has been bolstered by his academic direction.

As of other cat-sìth, longevity is uncertain due to external complications occurring more often than inherent causes.

He does not seem to know his exact date of origin, but can recount events that have occurred a century or more ago.