F. Couperin: L'Amphibie


Amphibiotic Centipede

Personality varies.





Art by User 60758 on Dappervolk


A semi-aquatic species.



Stings typically introduce toxins that cause drowsiness, dermatitis, swelling, and varying hemorrhage.

The venom can vary between individuals, which suggests genetic or sexual dimorphism.

The introduction of toxins to a system often requires expeditious treatment.

Individuals can reach a length of 45 cm at most.

Growth occurs through multiple instars until reaching maturity.

Longevity surpasses 10 years in some individuals.

Larvae and adults are similarly amphibious.

Rainfall has been noted to cause motility and other responses.

The amount of water present around inhabited soil is typically a factor.

Hunting occurs in pools and partly running water, and can encompass both land and aquatic animals.

Stabbing, spearing, or biting prey occurs variously.

Individuals have been known to attack persons defensively, if disrupted from usual behaviour.

Eyes are compounded from many ocelli and are assumed to allow shapes to be perceived.

The segmented legs are sharp and can be used for grasping prey.

Primarily carnivorous and swift, adapted to running and swimming.

Individuals appear to defend eggs and routinely clean larvae.

This may be meant to prevent bacterium, fungi, and parasites from infecting larvae.

Within the third or fourth instar, individuals often appear capable of hunting.