

Across Aliud, construction and infrastructure varies in styles and chronological basis. Many buildings are older in appearance, while others are more recent in framework.

In each continental region, the styles appear to vary in functionality and aesthetic, the historic focus on trade and terrain per locality a factor in how many or most buildings are constructed.

Structures historically located near oceanic or other water sources often comprise of stone and other material that would more easily weather salt and sea. In contrast, structures located in forest or field often incorporate wood, if not stone.

Metallic elements can be a factor as well, if more typical where trade and quarries allowed surplus of metals. As not every sapient species can withstand metal, this is oft something of consideration further.

Regardless of distribution, a 1600s to 1800s constructual diversity is present. The maintainence of older buildings is a focus in many locales. Where newer buildings are prevalent, land was cleared to make room for advancements in population and technology.

As archaic methods still function in preventing complications, multiple towns and cities feature walls around their borders. Others lack that defense, preferring to keep with weather patterns.

The terrain and infrastructure overall appears to define relevant decisions, architectural practices having a degree of purpose grounded both in practicality and tradition.