
Carl Czerny: Die Nacht


Bharani | பரணி

Astronomer | Mapper | Paradise Flycatcher | Theriomorph

A modest individual, not often taking a forefront direction conversationally. At times drifts in thought, but not to the extent that he is preoccupied with his own conscious. Attempts to socialise on occasion, but typically keeps to himself otherwise. Studious and organised, aside from methodical in his decisions. Evidently self-conscious, yet not to a hindering degree.


Plainchant music

Astronomical phenomena


Nonfiction writing










Art by Fallanii on Instagram


Originated a considerable distance from Ereba.

Travelled to the village after a relative duration and distance.

Although new to the setting, he is acclimating.


Appears distracted on occasion.

Speaks in Tamil as his first language, and has a faint accent when speaking in other verbal semantics.

Although he understands Latin and other languages to a significant degree, his comprehension is not faultless.

Only uses his second name in writings, rather than his full name.

Likes to paint what he sees, mostly to depict specific phenomena observed.

At other times he may attempt landscapes that otherwise depict the sky.

Tempera is a frequent medium used in painting.

Owns and maintains a small number of chronographic instruments and other varieties which note seasonal effects.

Many of these are newer inventions, albeit others are more archaic and magick-oriented.

Rooms with Ailill in a medium sized building which is jointly kept neat. It is technically rented, and damages are avoided to that extent.

Although capable of flight, he typically does not attempt that indoors, aware of the complications that can result.

If finding reason to remove himself from the surroundings, he typically does so by walking quickly.

Agile and limber to a relative extent. He is not of an older generation, and can be considered relatively young.

He reserves what currency he can, not often overexpending his purchases. Although possessing enough coin to manage through an emergency, he knows better than to waste what he has.

He is far from his homeland, and although not too adept at knowing customs, navigates carefully.