Content Warning:
Horror, Blood, Death, Animal Death, Anthropophagy


??? | Glaistig

Has a light and carefree tone, but exhibits a level of seriousness otherwise. Inquiry is frequent toward other persons when encountered, as is pranking. If slighted or harrowed, she may cause disturbance for others similarly. Although direct harm is typically avoided, harshness may regardless exist. The effects of her influence is often only apparent after an encounter. What results is frequently detrimental. She occasionally may take a horse or a person as a levy. Either may go with her voluntarily, or in some manner vanish along the trails through the forest. The collected individual is not seen again after.


Red hippocras

Riverworn stones

The scent of juniper

Skirts and fabric





Smoked venison

Snowy weather




Art by mangoscales on Toyhouse

Music by Joan Benson | Creative Commons License


Might have been human, or not otherwise.

Currently spends her time dancing about the trees and interacting with persons and wildlife that are ambiently or directly encountered. She is not quite threatening to others, but a sense of unease is the general response. Cannot be called inept, which speaks to some extent of a past history.


Typically keeps a distance from most, but may speak from a relative distance on occasion. Her voice can vary from quiet to booming. Silence is a typical factor despite this, except when singing ambiently through the trees.

During winter weather hides beneath low hanging or 'weeping' trees. The cold does not seem to affect her however. Does not like the sense of being covered in flakes.

There are items scattered around the forest she occupies. These are few in number, but it is uncertain how many swords and weapons are otherwise left to rust.

Occasionally she can be seen with an article of clothing or other object. Some are derelict due inherent quality or weathering. The lower quality examples are evidently left to decay. She seems to look after what she can preserve well enough. Books and alike items are accepted and are not often seen after, presumably more highly regarded than other categories.

She is evidently able to entrance others with song and motion: potentially to a malign end. However, she does not seem as interested in blood as she is entertainment. That is not to say that people have not disappeared in relevant ranges.

A drink with milk present in it, hippocras included, is enough to potentially avert complication from her.

Other methods exist. Throwing an article of clothing into the wood is also enough to stop her songs typically.

Reputedly cannot sew on her own using needles, which accounts for her want for clothing.

She appears to have realised she can be bribed and takes advantage on occasion by forcing persons to give up their inventory.

Can be seen at random amid the trees. Typically, she vanishes or moves out of view after studying the persons looking back.

Moves without sound generally. Can similarly become indiscernible. She has considerable strength evidently, as she can bound far across the terrain and stomp through rotten logs and cracked stone without significant complication.

A barrage of stones have occasionally occurred in response to repeated insults or threats against her. This is typically enough to deter persons from following through with aggression.

Appears to oversee the deer population in terms of guardianship rather than bovine. Deer about the trees are similarly regarded with caution by travellers. Harming them is often avoided.

On occasion has evidently helped individuals hide from authority. Normally the trees are nigh impossible to search through, but she makes it harder.

Despite providing evident aid, it is typically not long before relevant individuals vacate the woodland: either afraid of her company, or of provoking her.

Not all persons return. A number have appeared to have completely vanished.

No bones have been found. It is assumed the forest consumed these persons.

Although often neutral, she has been known to lay curses on those who disturb her. These typically have some form of positive factor, but equally a negative one.

For travellers taking longer distances through the trees, caution is often practiced. Most are aware of her capability to cause impediment and do not directly make an effort toward instigation.

Losing horses or any other needed commodity would be a hindrance at most, and isolative at worst. Typically the horses are not found again. It is not clear what might happen if her decision toward benignity changes.

In her view, she is allowing people to cross through the forest without hindrance, which is not inaccurate as a perception. Other things are warded off on occasion, if unseen as an occurrence.

Knows songs and lyrical poetry, typically from a dated basis. At times she has been known to pick up a new song if overhearing one from passerby.

Has a sense of wildlife to a varying degree. Similarly has an uncertain understanding of various flora, infrequently noting archaic nominatives in her songs and direct speech. Depending on where something occurs, she may pick and use or move off with resulting material.

Occasionally her voice is echoed, the reverberations multiple. This would be assumed to be magical in basis, if the background ambience did not come from underground. Sometimes it is the trees that seem to speak, but not always.

Generally regarded as strange but 'harmless'. That does not mean most attempt interaction.