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Francesco Paolo Frontini: Petit Montagnard


Carew Merrion

Lady's Maid | Cleaner | Nubian Goat | Theriomorph

Reserved and steadfast. Does not often divert from her present line of thought unless significant reason exists. Holds her work with a degree of seriousness, this for a number of reasons. Regard for others exists, although a guarded demeanor usually has precedence, and may interfere in attempts at aid. Although not cold, awareness is ambivalent.


Morning walks
Old literature


Being lost

Art by primrosegraveyard on Deviantart


Her legs are false.

Both her legs were earlier amputated for reasons that are not often disclosed. She had been in a bad situation regardless.

Those she currently utilises are made of wood and natural rubber, which puts less of a strain on her anatomy.

Although not quite the same as how she had been initially, physiologically and mentally, she has still maintained her position as it is.


Often moves quickly where necessary, although caution is a norm when less hurried.

She often goes with Leucadia and Lethe when they leave from the Bastille, acting as an attendant for both.

As a longer dress would impede on capability, she does not frequent a different style of attire despite divergence from traditional views.

The wood legs and rubber soles that comprise her usual set of prosthetics have been treated and modified to extend durability of those items, aside to allow less strain on herself as an individual.

Regardless, those factors being addressed by most others often causes reticience, aside from likely rebuff.

She is capable of a great amount, which is rarely utilised as a capacity.

That said, there have been occasions where she has found it necessary to disrupt and put down outside threats.

Usually when this occurs, the remains are left for other factors to address.

Although persons are on occasion a relevant risk, she does not pose much more mercy in those cases.

Does not seem to mind the aftermath in the former case, but makes an effort where possible to clean her attire.