

Personality appears various.





Art by fluffinsheeps on Toyhouse


These are individuals who can now be considered to be essentially deceased, and whom oft pose a threat to travellers.


They believe themselves to be healers.

An amalgamation of actual flesh and metaphysical contexts, the blend carrying further if the manifested material enters wounds of other persons.

This can happen through conflict, or through attempted methods.

How corruption occurs initially is various.

With the practice of plague physicians still having intermittent relevance by necessity, it can be difficult to discern differences on occasion depending on the time of night or surroundings.

Speech is relevant to individuals, cognition present, although it is easy to tell in most situations that something is tonally off.

Many frequent roads and other paths that travellers often follow. Travellers encountering multiple individuals is not unusual at a crossroads.

Travelling in groups is recommended for this reason, and others, when possible.

Evasion is more viable with transport than on foot and may be often preferable to that extent.

It is assumed that actual physicians were overtaken on occasion and what remained after was not long inanimate.

Fear comes in many forms. Plague physicians were often hated and blamed for matters and in a sense that is still spreading.

In a sense, harshness existed from people, and from ambient fact.

Despite fighting disease, physicians died from it, which is not an ideal manner to have ceased.

There was no end even after dying.