Content Warning:
Horror and Blood

Minezaki Koto『峰崎勾当』・Echigo Jishi 『越後獅子』


Chishio Hokari | 千潮 保刈

Warder | Watch | Kamaitachi | Yōkai

Certain and sometimes fiery in wording, although not instigative directly. Tends to focus on ambience more than conversation in some cases, a degree of purpose and fortitude present. This is not singularly due to occupational purposes. A quiet scenery is valued more than attempting to disrupt it. In more active areas, this differs as a mentality, a quiet scenery already absent. She is an individual who tends to take initiative for most decisions. May be described as more of a loner, being used to relative solitude.



Music and song

Kanshi and ballades


Wine and spirits




Direct conflict

Flies, beetles, aphids

Being restricted

Bitter smells


Art by sweetbloodmeow on Deviantart


Her employment is long-standing.

For about several years, a forefront stance regarding her work has been consistent.

She does not appear bothered by the more graphic factors that this at times involves. When such occurrences are relevant, what typically results is absorbed into the ground by the plantlife that surrounds the manor. As a result, the flora have been relatively bolstered.

She can be decisive with her onslaught however. Not everything she is told to do is decided on as necessary. Instead, other methods may be relevant if perceived as opportune or more 'entertaining'.

What contexts the latter option can involve may vary, and may not always involve bloodshed. Despite this, neutral decisions may change abruptly along with the situation itself.


Has a quiet voice, but can be loud if preferred. Vocal tone can range between an airy volume to harsh and strident. The former context particularly has relevance when laughing from a distance or nearby. It is often difficult to discern location in that regard.

May have somewhat of a gambling problem, although infrequently relevant due to her isolative direction.

Does not appear fased by blood or bones. Gore overall is not within sensitivity.

Considering that she often causes related graphicness, this has reason.

If a filled tea kettle is left outside of her occupational housing, this often disappears within at most a half-hour, and is usually returned within a half-day.

Has an understanding of medicine to a degree, along with anatomy. Both are utilised in her work.

Can be described as soundless sometimes, as of air.

This appears to be influenced by her tendency to appear and disappear similarly, without complication.

May approach someone unwitting of that fact, and either eavesdrop or make herself apparent.

Appears to prefer floral decoration and designs, as evidenced by her usual attire.

Occasionally sings various lyrical works or related poetry from a higher range, usually quiet to pass the time, but otherwise loudly to note her position and potentially relay occurrences.

A relatively deceptive manner can be ascribed to her, which is important in various regards.

Occasionally drifts off around the edge of a given rooftop structure, which does not bother her as the tiling makes noise if walked across. Anyone coming would be noted in most probability.

Does not mind rain, albeit usually if under a roof cover. Being soaked is not within preference.

Has mostly human-like physiology, if with minute differences.

There is some merit to this, not just visually.

Often draws scenery of people and else she sees passing by, whether relevant individuals are killed by her or not. This is both meant to pass time and have a more comprehensive sense of matters.

The chance that people related to noted persons might appear is not overlooked either, if typically unlikely. Trespassers typically risk themselves without warning others.

Does not show much regard for others in terms of compeers, although acknowledging their presence and efforts. Hurting them is avoided, and complications are worked around.

More of a stealth-related force. Direct conflict in terms of risking herself does not have advantage.