Chopin: Prelude Op.28 No.13


Dusk Snail

Personality varies.


Damp locations



Art by Lumen_Crey on Toyhouse


A common snail.

Traditionally a species seen as a complication for gardeners.


A land-based snail often located about fields and gardens.

Morphology somewhat alludes to a lapine basis, the eyes located toward the front.

The markings about the apparent ears may be meant to deceive predators.

If these ears, or feelers, are lost, regrowth is possible.

Appears relatively aware of surroundings, albeit seeking out vegetation is central to behaviour.

May attempt to avoid evident threats, rate of locomotion increasing when agitated.

Poisonous to a moderate extent for most. Some are however tolerant of this innate defense.

Cooking with these gastropods is infrequently attempted, albeit some view this with merit.

Mouth structure is underlying and features many small teeth around the digestive tract.

These are used for breaking down vegetable matter.

At times considered a detriment to gardeners and croppers if a population upsurge occurs.

Other animals often consume these snails, depending on relative immunity to the toxins present.

Poisoning is rare, but often easily dealt with.

All the same, caution is best exhibited with kept animals and stock.