

Traveller | Keeper | Centauride-Faun


Perceptions of responsibility surround her awareness, this in attempt to overturn unconscious bias toward being idle. She can be described as a conflicted and quiet person, besides someone who is respectful of others and their relative interests. Often unconsciously alert and on guard when around others, appearing to not trust most. Despite this, occasionally can be called a daydreamer, although the chance of lapsing into a wandering state of mind is infrequent and often turned from when recognised.




Clear night skies

Pome fruit


Patterned clothing


Hostility toward herself

Social altercation

Sour smells

Cooked fish and squid

Excessive expectations

Icy paths

Art by fluffinsheeps on Toyhouse

Music by Marjorie Lavers, Jane Ryan, Robert Elliott | Creative Commons License


A long time ago was born between a faun and a centauride.

Although not necessarily immortal in terms of lifespan, too many generations having passed before her, she has lived around 500 years without inherent detriment.

Conflict is understood and typically averted from. Somehow she has managed to evade worse results, although not always unscathed. More than a few occurrences can be recounted where she fled, either away from what was familiar or on a path that provided marginally more advantage than pursuers.

The dangers involved in such encounters have since lessened along with interactions, which she cannot view singularly as well or inauspicious.

Being more of a drifter than remaining to one location, she found affinity with different forested and groved locations. The latest of which she has remained to for perhaps a near-century.

Because of this, the orchard has thrived, albeit her influence and habituation extends to the nearby woodland further.

With awareness one-sided for the most part, she does not have any conflict generally; and further avoids interactions with those unknown.

Although introductions have occurred, she mostly keeps to herself regardless.

The orchard, which is technically owned jointly by a family and farming company, has had a presence for longer than she was present, although has since yielded more due to that factor.

She acts as an unseen guard, albeit only infrequently chasing off thieves.

Most of her time is spent around the woodland, frequent rounds regardless occurring to the more evenly spaced trees.

Items are occasionally passed to her for safekeeping, and clothing is otherwise given as more permanent inventory, yet it is not too likely she would object to keeping company similarly if acquainted with them well.


Exists in the countryside, away from crowded and obtrusive locations.

Isolation is a constant, while not minded by far. What had been still occasionally disturbs her sense of security, including the gradual events that spanned out prior to the eventual result at a grove and orchard about a half-century ago.

There were others she knew before then, they yet gradually disappeared. She does not mention them: preferring to keep their memory to herself, as no one else would understand enough.

Often conscious of other persons and further wary of them typically.

A considerable number of events have relevance. Tries to avoid most individuals, time having shifted and risk existent. Situational depth is usually gauged before making herself apparent, people relied on being limited in number.

'Elaia' designates certain trees as a noun.

She likely looks after trees and brush of the location currently resided at, which is important to herself for a variety of reasons.

Being both defined by, and defining relevant localities, she does not often stray from them in finding it more advantageous to remain present. The terrain is guarded by her, and to that same extent may be a guard to her person.

Likely tries to live to a minimal degree by necessity, in needing to remain subtle and outside most others' awareness. May rely on the trees themselves to defend her, knowing their placement and being quick on her hooves.

Further, may often have knives and other blades on her person that she compounds with methods meant to catch others off-guard. Intruding persons are not seen too well usually.

Individuals who are familiar are not viewed with as much hostility.

The species under her care vary and can be potentially hazardous due to inherent properties. Many are from other locations, the introduction of seeds from different continents a frequent occurrence historically.

Species remain consistent, appearing to not expire.

Often carries various supplies, in awareness of necessity. This normally includes gauze and salve, for herself if not other persons, along with sewing materials and a small guidebook she has likely entirely read several times over.

May allow others to take material from the area if familiar, and if respect exists. Often knows when the terrain is altered, but does not seem bothered unless the loss is significant.

Faun and related individuals are 'place-spirits', who specifically were in charge of forested areas. They symbolised the dangers, and wonder, of being lost in the woodland. They could help but also ignore persons in trouble.

An individual could easily die in a forest historically. It is not structured in a manner most individual humans would be suited to.

Her background is dubious and her parentage is similarly left out of conversation. What has been said was not negative however.

Occasionally watches the sky at night to keep track of time, although visits by persons from nearby terrain are also a sort of chronological definer.

Likes to weave 'bracelets' for her legs, but loses them about as often as she does more ornate ornaments. One such item has long been lost.