Charles Wesley: 6 String Quartets - Quartet No. 2


Grass Antelope

Personality varies.





Art by Addi (#1685) on Dappervolk

Music by Steve's Bedroom Band | Creative Commons License


A frequent sight around woodlands, meadows, and valley terrains.

The population varies yearly, rises and falls yet not appearing extreme.

Predation varies per terrain, and evidently does population count.

Hunting individuals is locally permitted at certain locations due to awareness of hazards, venatics often restricted to spring and autumn yearly.


Often browses vines and other sources of food, whether fruit-related or not.

The areas frequented are often free of hanging vegetation to that degree.

A forest and field-oriented species and individual.

Rolls in mud occasionally but may stand idly when rain occurs otherwise.

Hides during storms, whether in the grass or underbrush.

Sharpen their horns on trees, leaving shallow grooves on occasion.

Individuals remain to one area typically, but occasionally travel between places. Makes grunting and short bellowing noises less often.

May try to defend themselves or a location from intruding individuals.

Kicks with both front hooves or back hooves and uses both horns in conflict.

Individuals wag their tail when excited, if not angry.

A withdrawn taxonomy, and easily camouflaged depending on the surrounding terrain.

Often runs if shocked or threatened.

May stomp if challenged or irritated.

Individuals can run quickly, up to 90 kilometers per hour and maintain that speed for long durations.