One of numerous individuals around a specific quarry.
Populations are not limited to that location.
Given the name 'Allium' by a local miner.
Makes chirping noises, although typically faint.
Can dig well, and often creates burrows around 1 meter under the surface of the terrain.
Eats soil-based insects as well as roots and vegetation.
Seems to accept 'bribes' in terms of fruit and grain-based food.
Reputedly capable of retrieving underground items if trained.
Relatively fast on flat ground, size and evasiveness causing safety on the part of individuals.
Often carries young on the back, which instinctively keep to the parent.
The leek-based factors are edible, and may grow back, but it is not advised to remove them from kept individuals.
Enjoys playing, if given items, and may abscond with objects to nearby burrows.
May be mistaken for a leek or green onion on occasion, which quickly differs as a fact if seized or otherwise escaping.
Individuals inherently can possess good eyesight but often rely more on capacity for smell and hearing to navigate above and below the ground surface.
When leek burrowers struggle to survive above ground, such as when enduring long periods without food or unfavourable weather, they instinctually burrow into the ground and allow their more plant-like functions to take over, falling into a form of hibernation. (Suggested by someone.)