
Fauré: Après un Rêve


'Lethe' Chaix

Countess | Guard | 'Baku' | Fae

A quiet demeanor frequently encompasses her decisions, to the extent that she may be overlooked if awareness by outside parties is not sufficient. Does not appear fased when this occurs, often speaking at a raised tone. Although, if others appear busy, she may instead preoccupy her time with her own interests. Calm and collected, whether awake or asleep. Rationality takes precedence in most situations. If not knowing what to attempt, she may stall and waver, considering things minutely.


A sunny morning

Quiet ambience






Frequent distraction


Squash dishes




Art by MathematiCool on Toyhouse


A half-sister to Leucadia. Nonetheless, does not disregard necessities.

Often asleep. That, however, does not by far impede capability.


Often asleep.

When sometimes awake, eats and stretches, if not meandering to see things from a different perspective.

Occasionally stays up longer to consider familial matters and social connections, which can require a great deal of caffeine depending on the distance traveled.

While not 'weak', lacks tonacity due to inherent hypersomnia, but generally tries to conflict with that during her conscious spells.

Her dreams do not quite exist inside her own mind, but outwardly within actual surroundings.

In a sense astral projects her own 'self' while asleep, and goes about her daily routine 'normally' to that extent.

Can move and manipulate genuine objects through this means. Although able to eat and drink while unconscious, this is avoided; as anything imbibed does not change chemically and falls to the ground once consciousness returns.

Often is semi-corporeal. This however depends on her state of mind concerning relative awareness surrounding fact.

As it is possible to be hurt or killed in a dream, that does not differ as a factor.

Will 'disappear' if 'injured' gravely, and she often spends a least a few minutes elsewhere in a daze or shock.

If only 'injured', wounds may not be apparent in her unconscious appearance due to not acknowledging harm beyond momentary fact.

Sometimes 'walks through objects' as if that were typical, aside from other elements occurring through her semi-lucid state.

Typically follows normal logic, but if slipping into a more surreal perception, that may reflect in appearance or other projected aspects.

May fade in and out of visual apparency depending on mental state, although when more focused, tends to have a definite appearance, albeit one that shifts with changing consciousness.

Can create fictional items or apparent 'beings', whether meant as an occurrence or not; although if made aware of error, relevant factors may disappear.

A number of more animate projections occasionally appear and disappear around her 'self' while going about her day, which can appear to embody some aspect of her consciousness and awareness themselves.

These often appear to be a mixture of various animals or elements, the most frequent blend involving tapir characteristics.

The scale of a given projection is typically very small, but occasionally can dwarf other parts of the surroundings. In her words, it is best to ignore it.

Potentially can project more widespread factors, albeit the range encompassed may only be as far as her own pace reaches.

While it does not inconvenience her if any are conflicted with, a relative degree of confusion might result by extent, depending on her state of awareness.

Likes fancy clothing when awake, although not often utilising relevant wear due to complications.

Normally does not go beyond given ranges while asleep, the risk that poses long apparent. The connection between her real self and 'false self' has a limited scope, although that is not the only hazard present.

If moving too far from her actual body, her projected self will vanish and she will wake up. Depending on situational context, this can be detrimental.

Has inadvertently tricked others through this unconscious state, although fact often becomes apparent eventually.

This is often viewed variously as an occurrence, although recognition does not influence social basis frequently beyond related perspective.

Occasionally floats and walks minutely above the ground, moving otherwise normally. She cannot help being airbound, but tries to go about normally regardless.

Her mother was relatively the same, projecting traditional ‘baku’ (tapir) chimera context(s) within her dreamscape. It seems inherent to some degree, although bolstered by gained understanding.

She can be considered a half-sister to Leucadia, their family having become divided and complicated over the years.

Having reached and surpassed 20 years of age in both their cases, they are considered well enough to uphold necessities alone. That still does not mean that Lethe is forefront socially, except where asked.

Despite hindrances, she still makes an effort where possible to adhere to her studies and other matters tied to upbringing.

A lack of courtesy in important discussions can be obtrusive and distracting from the topic. Keeping her own nerves settled can be difficult in those situations, resulting in disturbance in terms of her consciousness and possibly the surrounding ambience, given capabilities.