
Rieding: Violin Concerto Op. 35


Leucadia Chaix

Countess | Musician | Fae

Hesitant, putting careful thought into most external matters. Overthinking is frequent, albeit occasionally avoided when recognising complications. Beyond this, can be described as mutely cheerful and outgoing, more often when on her own or behaving on her own terms. Appears to try for consideration concerning outer requisites: although not selflessly adhering to others' needs, self-interest forefront.


Wildflower tea
Hazelnut or filbert coffee
Landscape portraits
Folk and festival music
Practicing arts


Strident sounds
Social pressure
Iron and steel tools
Being or feeling aimless

Art by MostroWishes on Toyhouse


A higher born individual. The demands of her rank are not thrown aside despite the pressures that exist.

Albeit that history has faded within recent timeframes, concerning tradition, there are still many social factors that she has to contend with often. Even when there is less objective freedom as she passes the days, she makes and effort to her attention forward in order to uphold the legacies existent before her.


Often, she alternates between ‘formal’ and ‘casual’ attire, balancing decorum between necessity and wants.

When having time to herself, she sometimes wanders about the nearby town or the meadows within walking distance. This is typically a discreet decision, in order to not attract outside attention.

Her violin is unremarkable, usually, unless it is being played. When outside occupied grounds, she often bounds far, gliding to that extent.

Any instrument influenced can act in a relative autonomous manner, playing by itself at a distance. She can accomplish a contrary ‘tag-team’ element if that is attempted, potentially confusing other persons to that extent. As breaking something expensive lacks idealism, she would only cause an object to inflict blunt injury if perceiving that necessary against an assailant.

Any influenced item takes on a bluish hue, which is the only alteration that occurs.

Evidently has carved symbols into the wood of her violin and other items for identification. There are not often to be mistakes, her caution forefront.

At times utilises knives carefully to keep from making contact with the blade, and may sometimes utilise gloves for that same purpose.

Often is responsible for music playing in random places around the bastille and other locations, as if it came from nowhere.

Occasionally inhabits roof spaces or similar areas to avoid outer expectations. Despite relevant decisions, can be called a mixture of responsible and irresponsible.

On occasion she is disregarded by others. With social expectations present, there is a conflict of interests; her free-spirited mentality hampered by reputation and upbringing.

Intelligent and learned, while sometimes viewed in a negative light due to fueling her own interests. That does not entirely lessen relevant inclinations.

Has an extensive knowledge of folk music and the cultural factors related to given songs.

This does not only encompass music within her own understood range, songs from other lands also holding interest. Some of what she has learned came from people met variously, including present confidantes.

May leave a gathering if consistently slighted or ignored, although this is usually kept from due to understood musts.

Does not feel lonely that often despite the austerity existent between herself and others.

Has some refuge in other ambiance, if not studies and her own writings. Poetry and short stanzas are frequently scrawled across loose parchment, which is saved in a specific drawer.