
Northern Pudu

Personality varies.





Art by lumen_crey on Toyhouse


An ambient species.

Origin can be various.


Very withdrawn and solitary as a species.

Can be considered crepuscular, the mornings and evenings involving the most activity.

Specific territorial landscapes are defined by various indicators, including ordure and scent markings. Correspondence with other individuals occurs through the latter means.

Easily frightened and may bark in alarm or fear, as a defensive measure.

Individuals may remove bark from saplings using the teeth, antlers, and hooves present for dietary purposes. Individual diet also includes vines and alike verdure.

Consistent damage to saplings, vines, and other herbage across a specific range may indicate that terrain is occupied by an individual, if not also similar herbivorous species.

Vinyards have been frequently and evidently damaged by this species.

Movement is often slow and cautious, the air checked for scents of predators.

With the attention displayed and ease by individuals to blend into surroundings, it may be difficult to encounter any wild without sufficient precaution.

Populations exist in both terrains that comprise Tellus and Aliud, the former range more limited in scope. It is assumed that crossings occur voluntarily in some manner.