

Traveller | European Eel | Marmennill


A rather withdrawn individual, although not anti-social. Tends not to initiate conversations initially, which is more often a factor around unfamiliar company. Often a loner and self-supporting, being capable of looking after himself. Quiet in tone and demeanour, attention met with varying caution. A sense of humour exists occasionally, although it can be missed at times, being more indirect than not. He is active and often busying himself through one means or another, avoidance of boredom something that drives relevant decisions.


Winter storms and snow


Scallops and molluscs

Shrimp croquettes

Short written stories

Starry nights


Harsh assumptions

Sharp rocks

Smoke and fumes


Being discounted

Anger toward himself

Art by tinwatercan on Tumblr

Music by Musopen String Quartet | Creative Commons License


Born around 18 years prior. Following this, he drifted around the currents to various locations, mostly seagrass beds and alike terrain. Over time he grew in scale, and encountered other individuals on occasion. Most were not hostile, which he had a sense of to some degree. He was taught how to read and write to some extent through relevant interactions, and took that understanding further along on his travels.

With many years having passed since his origin, he has a better sense of surroundings, and knows where and where not to tread. Regardless, he frequents coasts and beaches on occasion for the shells within the shallower tides, collecting them and storing them away for later use. He has not gone on land more than once or twice, and does not see it as a beneficial effort currently. That still means he has an understanding of what goes on beyond his awareness through Neroli and others, and acts as a support where he can.


A traveller, although nondescript while journeying across the oceans typically. He blends in with the water for the most part.

May live to around 80+ years. The oldest living eel that was not merfolk exceeded 100 years in longevity.

Has not gained coloration yet. In a few years will eventually be brownish-yellow in palette, then within 5-20 years after will turn silvery-white.

Can hear and smell adeptly. Regardless of surroundings, this does not appear dampened.

Eyes exist but are not apparent. Has poor vision.

Has an awareness of the planetary magnetic field. Navigates through an internal compass and relative memory.

Has small razor-sharp teeth. Scavenges as well as hunts.

May relatively gain in scale as time passes further.

Sometimes picks up shells from various locations and leaves them behind similarly. Depending on the situation and whether people are nearby, this may be unwanted as a decision.

Has a considerable knowledge of different shell types and often categorises individual varieties.

Likes to draw on shells. Using various implements, often scratches patterns into the outer surface. Resulting patterns can differ in subject, usually involving scenery and wording.

Infrequently leaves messages for others through this means. The nondescriptness to shells, depending on the location, can work in his favour in terms of the correct recipient finding one.

Keeps things he is given and further deems important in hidden locations, usually underwater. As not everything may withstand saline environments, at times he stores them in the sand on beachfronts.

Cannot go on land as others are capable of, his physiology not suitable for extensive journeys above water.

Likes quiet melodic music. Loud and abrasive genres are not as much within interest.

Sometimes idles and daydreams, usually below water.

Can read to an extent, having been taught relevant meaning early on in the time spent adrift. He kept with initiative and comprehension variously.

Likes to hear about fiction stories and related literature. Typically, he either hears things short-hand or reads obtained works at tide-pools. Advertisements and other signs are understood as well, although typically existing far from his range of vision.

A number of concepts in relevant or irrelevant stories are often beyond understanding, although he does not often prompt inquiry through inherent reserve.

Evidently sees things on occasion. Forecasts are mostly yet kept to himself for various reasons, if not related to the weather or similar complications.