

Sporadic in decision and often ambulatory. Alert and often aware of her surroundings. Caution is a norm when other individuals are in the vicinity.





Art by anjoM on Toyhouse




Fed fruit frequently. Keeps to herself due to inherent withdrawnness.

That has not prevented interaction occasionally, which typically occurs with a lack of background activity.

Runs wild around the café during these timeframes, mostly about the kitchen area and tables near the front.

Aven makes certain to clean the surroundings following this, although keeping the establishment organised is typical overall.

Appears relatively intelligent for a mouse or rat.

Observing the surroundings is frequent before making a definite appearance. The air, visual depth, and sounds may be a main basis for this.

Several minutes often pass at least before caution is surpassed.

Has on occasion run off with things that may not be considered food.

Playing 'fetch' with her happens occasionally, where Aven throws crumbs and she does not return them.

Not typically vocal unless startled or frightened.

Sounds very alike to a typical rodent, which can be misleading.

Occasionally is noted to collect cloth scraps and other debris from the surroundings. A degree of cleanliness has resulted from this behaviour.

Where this results is usually unclear, but in not being restricted to the interior of the building, it can be assumed that items are left outside.

A red ribbon has been tied around her tail by Aven, although he occasionally replaces it out of passing interest or awareness that earlier ribbons were torn.