
Mahler: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen No.2



Student | Child | Moth | Fae

Cheerful and carefree to a relative degree, she is not easily phased and changes directions frequently. While more intelligent than others may consider her, being relatively adept for her age, she is regardless easily distracted and can occasionally be dynamic in her decisions.


Running; dancing
Pretending to fight story-based foes
Reading storybooks
Playing tag/games in general


Being scolded
Losing privileges
Loud noises
Authority/being told what to do

Art by idrawtrash on Deviantart


It has not considerably started enough to be notable.

She is still being taught basic studies.


Frequently can be found outside on imagined adventures with her pet goat.

Often utilises Peony as a lookout, the other being relative in scale.

May stand on her in order to yell at passerby. Usually holds onto a horn to not fall.

Sometimes wanders, but only a relative distance.

Has an overactive imagination.

Fights foes from stories she makes up with a stick, but occasionally challenges an actual person.

Sometimes ends up around the nearby farms and the farmhands tell her to go home but she does not listen usually.

Likes to frolic in a nearby meadow.

She often comes home with grass stains and gets scolded. She plays with her toys after.

More capable than apparent, albeit inept in regard to invoking influence for any purpose.