
Boieldieu: La Dame Blanche



Solitaire | Hunter | Yukinyō

Withdrawn and not considerably oriented toward conversation. Does not seek out others, abeit possible to retaliate to interaction.















Art by wuwly on Deviantart


A local.

Stories of her have extended far back through the centuries, with considerable uncertainty and evident malignance.

Has not appeared to have changed despite those years passing.

A solitary figure, and not likely to differ considerably.


Moves very quietly.

Not many see her coming initially. The snow often a screen when she is about.

If it becomes apparent that someone is nearby, she typically freezes in place.

If the person or party in question draws nearer, this stillness is broken from, either resulting in a departure or a swift barrage.

The latter option is less frequent when multiple individuals are present.

That still means surrounding factors can be subject to glaciation.

She is not completely accurate with her aim, resulting in potential evasion by outside parties.

She remains to the forests and mountain range exclusively, appearing against venturing through the towns and related populaces scattered there.

May have a sense of humour, as harmless snowballs have on occasion been used instead of ice.

Has evidently harmed more than people, as smaller statues have been found on occasion.

At times appears conflicted about relevancies, but responds in a volatile manner regardless.

Only appears during the winter. Other seasons lack risk of encounters.

The statues she leaves behind are for all purposes ice. It is unknown if this can be reversed.

Has been seen scrutinising relevant structures, and on occasion picking up or moving smaller variations.

Nothing is left after spring arrives, the frost eventually melting. Potentially capable of influencing surroundings beyond glaciation, albeit inevident as a fact.

Appears to have drawn symbols in ice and snow, although it remains unclear whether the origin is solely herself or another individual.

Regardless, various patterns are occasionally seen along the mountain paths.