

Ecologist | Mapper | Centauride-Oreiade


Buoyant and disregarding in response to thought he does not agree with, aside from judgment or criticism. When relevant, he often attempts to deflect verbal conflict with questions, through which either a discourse or more heated debate may result. An air of sturdiness is typically present during the infrequent latter situation. Wordplay is a tendency, along with jokes and riddles. He does not seem often fazed, a carefree mentality normally present. Only infrequently is this diverted from, usually when a lot is happening at once.


Fried and baked goods

Finding lost items

Mushrooms and fungi


Books and drawings

A cool day


Hot weather

Graveled terrain

Boreholes and pits


High places


Art by strawbuntiny on Toyhouse

Music by Edward Rosser | Creative Commons License



Typically guarded, not speaking of himself beyond what is apparent.

Frequently absent, sometimes returning randomly according to Elaia's accounts.


A traveller.

The mushrooms growing on his horns appear symbiotically attached, but can be shaken off or directly removed.

These appear edible. He has been noted to reuse what is lost as part of his own supplies.

Keeps aware of his inventory, loss and theft a known possibility. Some things can be easily replaced and others cannot.

He occasionally collects supplies from places he has been. In order to preserve materials and reduce the weight of his inventory, he often stores them in places he thinks he only knows about. Although not everything remains after returning, this is not too often minded; most items not integral.

He has a relative degree of medicinal and medical knowledge. Keeping aware of his own health remains important while travelling.

Obtained his usual sweater somewhere randomly. It is likely handcrafted; the front pattern sewn on from something else.

Knows how to sew and craft to an extent, which is utilised while travelling.

Embroidery is a frequent practice, both for decoration and to fix torn articles in a similar aesthetic manner.

Likes orange grisette, heath waxcap, ruby bolete, orange peel fungus, golden waxcap, scarlet waxcap, wood blewit, fairy ring champignon, shaggy bracket, grey milkcap, lion's head, rufous milkcap, rosy bonnet, pinkmottle woodwax, and white suillus.

Reputedly at times consumes inherently poisonous species. This is typically after soaking and boiling related fruiting bodies.

Appears to have oreiade, centauride, and satyr lineage. The only proof of this is family knowledge and appearance.

Has a tenor voice range, although he does not use it beyond speaking frequently.

Knows various folk songs, mostly Mediterranean in basis.

Can name many taxonomies, although his awareness of that appears dated.

Evidently appears in random locations and may disappear similarly if left alone long enough.

Appears to leave fairy rings in his wake when relevant.

These do not vanish immediately after he is gone. They appear to be normal mushrooms, and decay at a typical rate.