
Le Roy: La Souris


Saskia Venclů

Housemaid | Mouse | Theriomorph

Often withdrawn and second guessing herself, albeit hardworking and driven. Appears to attempt eloquence often, aside from formality, regardless of who she is speaking to.


Fruit tarts



Art by Mekosun on Toyhouse


One of multiple mice employed at the Bastille.

She does not stand out by far from the background usually, but makes an effort where she can to consider more than the minimum.

By extent of her occupation, also resides in that locality, and infrequently diverts from her occupation.


Appears around 18 cm in height.

Despite her minute stature, she works rapidly. This is compounded with others' efforts, that the area is often visibly clean.

She is paid slightly more than she might be in other locations, as far as she can assess.

Being overlooked is not beyond expectation, although she does chat with other persons on occasion.

Capable of climbing with ease, and considers higher vantages to keep organised by that extent.

Routinely utilises influence to bolster her celerity in running, aside from lessen sound caused while working. The same be said of other staff.

Being active while not intruding in important matters is a focus typically.

Often eats dinner with the other mice at the end of each day.

A moderate room is used for that purpose, which is indirectly shared at other timeframes with other staff.

Her voice is minute, and it can be difficult for her to communicate with those beyond hearing range.

Regardless alert and swift, minimising chance of injury through accidents.