Bach (arranged by Siloti): Air on G String


Shade Rabbit

Personality is various.


Garden vegetables
Wooded locations



Art by SofiiTinget on Toyhouse


An ambient species frequent to meadows, earthen paths, shrubland and forests.


Solitary, individuals typically staying far from each other unless raising young.

Although solitary by nature, it is not entirely uncommon to see scattered groupings of these individuals.

Most appear to vanish if neared too closely by larger organisms.

It is very infrequent that one might be interacted with directly, elusory behaviour typical.

Most seem to take on hues of nearby scenery, perhaps blending in with that ambience for improved obscurity.

Raised individuals are noted to be rare and often difficult to look after as domesticated company.

The taxonomy is quiet typically and appear to lack capability to communicate on an understood level.

Vegetation, fallen fruit, and garden vegetables appear to comprise the diet of individuals.