
Shaggy Mane Wildcat

Personality varies.





Art by TheDarkSerapH999 on Deviantart


A woodland species. Infrequently seen.


A small species of wildcat.

Often isolatory, aside from territorial.

Boundaries of related territories may overlap between that of other individuals'.

Diet encompasses small vertebrates along with rabbits and other medium species.

Internal structure does not entirely differ from other cats. However, ingested material appears to be subject to rot rather than pass through the interior system.

Alike to the chemical components of shaggy mane ink caps, a dark liquid appears to exude from individuals on occasion.

It is assumed to consist of proteins. The prey ingested may continuate material generated.

This has not been deemed poisonous. However, it can be a potential deterrent for predators, if not a means of tracking prey.

Individuals appear to have typically adept vision, which however lessens often when hunting.

The unpleasant rotting smell that is characteristic of shaggy mane mushrooms, when decaying, is very similar to that of material caused by individuals.

It is perhaps due to the potency of related scent that trailing prey is possible despite obstructed sight.

The 'ink', although fetid when damp, can be used as a substitute for traditional writing-based dyes, paralleling the aforementioned fungus species.

Occasionally these individuals have been domesticated via trapping for that purpose, and historically were kept by scribes.

Longevity is evidently up to 20 years.

The dens of individuals, regarding the raising of kittens, occur in hidden locations. Cairns, brush, and other guarded places are frequent.

Individuals rarely vocalise for social purposes. However, a warning hiss can result in response to intruding parties.

The fur is naturally white, but often stained black with exuded 'ink'.