Vincent d'Indy: Poème des Rivages (Part 2)


Tide Slug

Personality is various.





Art by Runell on Toyhouse


An aquatic species occasionally seen at shorelines and on seaside trees.


Individuals frequent beaches and saltwater lines.

Diet consists of vegetation and small invertebrates.

Individuals may climb trees along an oceanfront for the leaves present at higher vantages.

Relatively swift for a sea slug species.

Indivduals do not dry out very easily.

Ocean water is still necessary for capability and welfare.

Capable of changing colours to blend in with surrounding ambience.

Poisonous and nonedible.

Small squeaks are prevalent when excited, positive or negative in meaning.

May hide under refuse and objects that can provide coverage. Split coconut shells are not infrequently utilised.

Appear relatively intelligent, which accounts for evident memory and avoidance of predators.

Soft and can be damaged relatively easy. Regeneration is however possible.

Most persons do not take relevant individuals beyond the ocean terrain originated about, unless knowledgeable of necessities.

It can be considered worthy of a fine to attempt this in some locations regardless.

In a few localities, certain parts of the year can feature considerable increases in population.

This is infrequent and typically of short duration however. A lack of resources at relevant locations typically causes migration to other vicinities.