

Often inquisitive.





Art by SoraChiiy on Toyhouse


Infrequently seen.

It is assumed by scholars that the water sources which feature individuals comprise more than apparent.


Those that have been studied have shown consistent tendency to mimic other individuals.

It is assumed that in typical ranges, surrounding species are similarly emulated.

Attempts to interact have been reported, to varied success.

Abandoning a prior appearance and flowing back into nearby water sources appears to be an occasional response to being neared.

A degree of intelligence appears relevant to individuals.

Communication on the level most possess as a method is evidently limited.

However, images are understood evidently, which can include related base concepts.

The individual noted appears to have followed the lead of a feline.

Behaviour of related species however does not entirely relate to the undine in question.

Changes in form are rapid and appear impulsive.

Scale evidently varies between interactions.

It is assumed that the water available is a factor in the size that an individual can achieve.

Forms appear to vary according to necessity or capability and may be limited by choice, urgency and other factors.