Register | Vicenza, Veneto, Italy

The individuals recorded live in a world topographically mirroring that of Aliud.

It has many names but is generally called 'Earth' locally.

Vicenza is a dense city characterised by Palladian architecture, which is a style that originated in the work of Venetian architect 'Palladio' (Andrea di Pietro della Gondola), who was inspired by ancient Greek and Roman architecture, particularly that of the Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius Pollio. It is a classicism style of architecture characterised by symmetry, perspective, proportion, and classical forms. Buildings often have austere exteriors, but extravagant interiors with gilding, ornamentation, and elaborate decoration. Despite this, marble is lacking. Instead, painted wood and plaster is central in building structure.

Two basilica, an olympic theater, various museums, multiple palaces, and numerous churches are present about the city that vary in chronological origin. Many villas on the outskirts of the city are further present that have existed for several centuries. Many of these locations have been remade into historic centres or conservation sites. Visitation by tourists and passerby occurs to promote awareness of the architectures' historical significance.

Basilica Palladiana is a historic building that has existed since 1549. It is a centre for tourism, and a jazz club aside from a cocktail bar exists on the ground floor. The building exists near the Torre Bissara, a tower which records time aside from moon phases, which has existed since 1174. The tower was partially destroyed in 1945, but restored in 2005.

The Monte Berico basilica and sanctuary, aside from the River Bacchiglione, exist near the city. The church sanctuary overlooks the city on a nearby hill, and the Bacchiglione flows through Vicenza. Bacchiglione was used as a waterway between the cities Vicenza and Padua for centuries.

Teatro Olimpico is a theater that has existed since 1585. It was the last work by 'Palladio', and was only used for a few showings until 1997, during which it again became active. Currently, it is limited to 400 persons per showing to allow for conservation.

As other cities in Italy, nightclubs, concerts, sagre (seasonal food festivals), mercati (street markets), and local enoteche (wine stores) occur on many streets, which can be an involvement, if not a reason for difficulty on the part of isolated individuals.

The setting is one where what is 'unreal' is unconsciously blocked from awareness by most persons.

Due to technical 'nonexistence', life can be difficult for many that fall outside of overall perception.

This has resulted in relative communities functioning alongside the general populace. Activity is present, both socially recognised and unperceived.

Persons who are more attune with 'fantastical' factors are aware of unnoticed occurrences.

A number attempt to keep interconnections stable and individuals existent, aware of the complications that can otherwise result.

Not everything is without fault despite this, a factor which is compounded by surrounding complexity.

It is assumed by current practitioners that the capability to perceive what is 'other' has phased out from current populations.

Individuals that can be considered 'other' typically remain within the guidelines presented by local law, reducing related complications.

Within the spheres of communication that exist outside the boundaries of what is typical, witches and other practitioners are regulatory of matters, and act as supporting parties for those who cannot otherwise depend on hospitals and further help.

Practitioners vary in behaviour. Sometimes persons choose to be ostentatious in wear, but at other times blending is a decision. Cosplay and other clothing that can be considered 'odd' is typically relevant when not remaining nondescript.

Practitioners being objectively 'odd' in dress has a couple important purposes. Being ignored or avoided is more likely, and it can be easier for individuals who are objectively 'other', whether local or from other locations, to know who to speak to regarding help or communication.

Walking, biking, or using buses and metro stations are a frequent means of transport by individuals, whether objectively human or 'other'. As interaction is near impossible for most that fall outside of general perception, it is typical that human persons accompany those who are unable to otherwise travel.

Cameras within stations and other locations do not appear to pick up on individuals, although that factor can have basis within individual human perception.

There have not been many incidents where complications occurred. Related occurrences were deemed inexplicable due to the esoteric nature of those involved.

Coexistence has been possible for the most part within relative awareness. Ostentatious decisions are typically avoided by most.

Other factors further exist which pose a hazard to all sides of activity.

Risk is ambiently present through variably appearing phenomena, which are often centred around larger populations on a worldly scale. These are unnoted by the general populace, which contributes to the losses caused by related factors.

Relevant phenomena is, by extent, routinely sought after and abolished by more capable individuals, as disappearances on both sidesare otherwise more likely.

Coexistence is a necessity. Individuals left clinging to a society that has forgotten them act against what would otherwise kill those depended on. The world is stable, as long as present fact does not drown everything else.

Index 1

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Index 2

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