
Palestrina: Sicut Cervus


Volero Aimeric

Carver | Traveller | Faun

Possesses a stiff demeanor, although this does not often correlate to decisions. Very flexible and open to ideas, even if he might not adhere to them through rationality. Often a loner, taking paths that seem ideal, even if no one else seems to have the same opinion. This has for the most part been fine for him, a quiet demeanor occasionally meaning he is spoken over or disregarded. Looking at matters from a different perspective is an axiom typically of relevance to work and other activity.


Pine tea

Birch sap and syrup

Almond milk coffee

Cold mornings

Spring days

Juniper breads and cakes



Losing a carving blade

Mites and lice

Quiet and desolate spaces

Metallic aromas

Rhetorical discussion

Art by Aldwyn on Toyhouse


A local around one of the various towns that exist about a mountainous range.

Despite the detachment from larger centres of activity, he considers himself fortunate to be able to travel with ease to those locations, danger aside.

From an early age there was an interest in woodcarving, the work involving the houses which protected himself and others from the harsher weather apparent. He did not take an interest in that specifically however, instead focusing on more abstract than technical directions.

Ornamental carvings took up a considerable amount of his time, aside from other necessities, and he became sufficient enough at it that he could display his works at festivals in other towns.

The money and capabilities practice generated gradually meant he took an academic direction further, often visiting libraries and other archival storages when he could while away from his home setting.

As he perceived, there was a considerable amount to see beyond the snowy plains.

Thus far, he has made an annual journey since his eighteenth year. This is accomplished whenever possible, despite that complications and others' needs can mean a relative delay or postponement on infrequent occasions.


Originates from a wintry mountainous climate.

Has (or may occasionally) move(d) along trade routes to see different scenery.

Depending on the time of year, he may pack up some belongings to make the long trek back to his hometown.

Makes woodcut art, either flat in basis or more ambient in design.

These have been used to make scenery on occasion, during festivals.

A crafter otherwise. He focuses on custom-made utilities, as opposed to purchasing anything typically. May utilise ideas from things he has seen or heard about for relevant craftmanship.

He is not too talkative but can discuss various topics in detail if prompted enough.

Being a traveller of sorts, not limited to a few towns, this can include places he has been and things he has noted.

Often brings things back with him for his own use or for other purposes.

Likes filbert coffee even away from his hometown, which focuses on those trees.

Sheep-based dairy or almond milk is occasionally added to a pot.

Despite his hooves, he appears adept at traveling on ice, most likely due to originating in a place heavily featuring it.

Has crossed many surfaces through this apparent capability without resulting issue. By extent, he sometimes rucksacks his belongings instead of taking a bulkier direction.

Occasionally visits Carranfield and Sien at a far distance from relevant mountains. This is often a once-yearly journey. Once arriving, he stays to the general region for about a few weeks to a month before leaving again.

He is used to the gated communities that exist there; the stone walls of each city often crossed through variously.

Has made various acquaintances on these passages, sometimes meeting with the same persons later on. Sends letters to those he can consider confidantes, but only on rare occasions.

An avid reader, both of fiction and nonfiction. He further likes to collect books from foreign nations in his travels and finds it interesting to learn about other cultures and related literature. By this extent he is often adept at trivia. [Suggested by someone]

Seems to have a very good memory, locationally and academically.

Could be described as a good orator, to the degree he keeps hold of stories, both read and heard.

May not be considered adept at rock skipping but does that on occasion regardless while around places below the mountains.

Earlier met someone who was far better during his travels and has maintained the effort to bypass her capability, if not with success.

Likes crystals to a relative degree, and occasionally picks up one or more around the entrances to various abandoned mines along his typical route.

Does not often take a vocal direction while travelling, unconsciously and in awareness of the risk involved. Instead focuses on visual signals regarding people crossed, usually only speaking to someone when closer and hostility appears lacking.

His hoofsteps are typically quiet and careful except when the ground is rocky.