

Alert and often perceptive, takes a watchful direction directly and ambiently. Seems to comprehend complexities beyond what is immediately apparent, and responds accordingly. Cautious and distant occasionally. May become excited by surroundings or differences in situational basis, whether positively or in nervousness typically evident by resulting decision.


Twigs and sticks
Light sources



Art by Baka-Alpaca on Toyhouse


The eggs from which each moth hatched were traded for, lacking certainty about what might otherwise happen by outer decision.

Each most likely originated from locations with an influx of energy and can be considered both natural and artificial by extent.

With earlier interest by Lilium in insect species, raising moths was not too out of the way as an attempt.


May tag along depending on setting and situation, either passively or as aid, if not pick up things on occasion that catch their interest.

Sometimes gathers small leaves to give to people. They are emulating Lilium; being around the other frequently; and most likely think they are helping to that extent.

This is aside from crawling around on others’ clothing out of inquiry.

The moths often exist around their caretaker's attire, generally not straying far from their parent.

They most likely eat plant material, but not cloth; overall are given grains frequently.

Lilium tries not to discourage behavior: finding little harm and in not being certain what to do otherwise.

The garden space near the side of the flat is occupied by the moths for the most part.

While they do not always remain to that location, neither it is typically left through familiarity and potential outside risk.

Has an immunity to energy and may 'absorb' electricity through contact with it.

As a technical living electricity storage, the moths can minutely shock people and surrounding factors.

If left unchecked, individuals could swarm power sources, which can cause issue.

Named based off of personality and plant species, bellflowers being a frequent herb in medicinal practices, most species winter-hardy and the roots used for internal complications.

Often considerably alert and perceptive. Wanders off of their own frequently, sometimes picking up and leaving behind various items.

May watch or play with their reflection on occasion.

Often flutters or hovers in the air when evidently excited.

Sleeps in inconstant places, which are not often repeated except with a few cases.