
Zelai Mendiurru

Florist | House Mouse | Theriomorph

Cheerful, aside from steadfast. Socially, she takes initiative for most of her decisions. Despite this, there are durations where she is more hesitant. She has an awareness of herself and the surroundings typically, not overlooking the risk that outside forces pose. However, she is evidently not adverse to taking risks. This is infrequent, but significant enough that she considers her actions unconsciously. She does not often venture out into the crowds on active days, instead frequenting side paths where possible or necessary.



Floral tea

Hard work



Root vegetables








Art by Elvaneyl on Toyhouse

Music by Syuzanna Kaszo | Creative Commons License


A florist by trade.

Assists another individual in the cultivation and sale of flowers.


Along with a couple other persons, she keeps small flowering plant species when relevant seasonally.

She is adept at maintaining 'miniature gardens', which focus on smaller cultivars.

The smaller size of various residents allows for indoor and outdoor plants to take up less space. Necessities are similarly scaled back regarding occupancy.

Within the minute spaces that indoor apartments and housing provide, little space is taken up by individual residents or families. Typically the building is shared with larger residents, albeit divided by walling.

Such areas are typically kept within familial ownership and habituated as generations pass, but may be vacated for other opportunities.

Zelai is one of multiple individuals currently inhabiting the side of a building area. She rooms with a few relatives and on infrequent occasions paying tenants. They individually try to keep the area clean, although contention can occasionally occur between one or more residents.

The group lives about a florist shop specifically. Zelai works there most seasons, separate from others of that residential group who take other directions, unless occupied with other matters.

She is rather direct and stoic as an individual, which may have partly accrued as a mentality and demeanour through overall social basis.

This stoic mentality however can be disrupted relatively easily, if enough complications occur.

Caution is a norm when taking busier routes. Even travelling along the sides of buildings, there can be disruptions by larger persons.

Taking side streets or leaving through minute passages between buildings is a frequent decision when she is capable of that. In environments where the surroundings are open-ended, she checks for any nearby activity before making a decision.

She frequently goes on routes within Carrenfield or to nearby populaces with Baye to sell stock. She typically remains to the wagon during these journeys. Being stepped on or otherwise crushed is something to avoid.

Though uncommon due to precautions and capability, this is not unprecedented as a risk.