
Zuan | Izan | ずあん

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At times callous and frequently deceptive, farce and sleight of hand are often relevant when interacting with him. Often eloquent to a relative degree, sociability and other fronts often utilised, but acknowledged as false when confronted, and genuinely contrived. He uses his words and actions to catch others off guard. He is cautious and distant to an overall degree, aside from similarly perceptive. Despite this inherent detachment, he values what he has and might gain from interconnections and does not do anything by far to degrade others or their activity.




Crisp mornings

Running in the early hours


Reading and writing


Being underestimated


Swimming long distances

Unneeded conflict

Harsh grating sounds

Smoked fish

Art by jayjellyfish on Toyhouse | Art by Mon_reaux on Instagram

Music by Luis Sarro | Creative Commons License


Originated from somewhere far from Verona and may be considered an adept traveller. Being self-sufficient is not outside of relevant capabilities and bolsters that sense.

Despite waywardness, he seems to have decided to remain where he is for the time being, the convenience that the landscape allows not irrelevant to his interests. The number of towns otherwise passed through is indefinite but can further be assumed to be numerous.

With his current lifestyle, he lives somewhere nondescript as of many others about the cityscape. The few that have actually seen his residence have called it organised rather than extravagant, which has sense as subterfuge is his usual direction.

Regardless of his dubious qualities, he considers various roles with a degree of seriousness. The importance these have to himself and other individuals in correlation is not disregarded, and he can be considered somewhat responsible in that regard.

Due to being one of the more forefront individuals, he is occasionally entrusted with purchasing goods for persons who cannot browse markets otherwise. He is given currency for this purpose, if not extra to account for his own interests.


Frequently causes trouble. The occasions that encompass this are mostly unseen, and it can be said that only he knows the extent of his manipulation.

Does not live up to typical behaviour and stands as more motivated by other, more material incentives. Shadiness is sometimes evident, if only through the often fact he deceives others by staying to a grey range of behavior.

Many goods and monetary factors have passed through his inventory by basis of deceit. It is difficult to stop him in the moment, the populace expansive and tourists otherwise frequent.

He often uses gained wealth to fuel necessities and interests, which typically involve expensive items and pastimes.

Can be considered an adept thief. The items that have ended up in his possession vary in context. Depending on the worth of the object itself, he may exchange it for currency or keep it indefinitely until something else of interest catches his attention.

Has a sound memory, not often forgetting promises and statements. If deceived in a signficant manner, it is unlikely he will forget that occurrence, and relevant individuals will be met with frigidity and mistrust for a varying duration.

Appearances can vary. His usual sort is typically shorter, and otherwise 'genuine' to himself.

He often takes on different appearances in order to suit his interests. Looking alike to different people is a standard method adhered to.

Gambling is largely illegal in Italy. Although card games are more legalised since 2006 and 2011, there are still relative restrictions in that providers must have licenses to allow players to gamble. What he occasionally attempts may be illegal, if not playing at an active casino.

Can be bribed for information, awareness and comprehension frequent throughout his meanders. As decisions can incriminate him, he does not give off a lot of detail otherwise without sharing fault.

He adheres to the term 'Zuan' (John) from Friulian, 'ずあん' (Zuan), or otherwise 'Izan' from Basque. It is unclear whether the monikers he goes by have significance.

His dialectual understanding is dubious, but appears to be relatively expansive by what he has exhibited in speaking to tourists.

Usually he does not attempt sleight of hand immediately in regard to tricking visitors, but on occasion a more elaborate ruse may precede an interaction.

Illusions or more 'definitive' changes in composition of material goods are not beyond him, if only something temporary.

It is rather complicative, but it can be assumed that people have ended up taking debris back to where they originated, instead of goods they believed themselves to have purchased.