
Saint-Saëns: Les Fleurs et les Arbres


Kerr Treve

Tailour | Merchant | White Stag Centaur

A sort of nervousness occasionally presents itself through his demeanour when prompted by awareness of himself and others' scrutiny. Despite this, he tends to make decisions rationally, having enough confidence that being offset is a rare occurrence. Rather straightforward in manner, taking initiative where possible. When genuinely flustered, rather than appearing bothered, an effort to override emotion with humour may occur. However, he does not often take well to verbal banter. This is more true when instigative in tone, but he can be withdrawn and diverting when it comes to related discourse, rather than directly cutting off relevant talk. A degree of seriousness exhibits itself in these cases, if with more austerity than he has normally.




Small potted plants


Unique items and aesthetics

Elegant fabric


Soot and ash

Animal products

Impediments from his height


Dogs and other canids

Being pressed for talk

Art by TwinkleTalon on Tumblr


He is a long-standing local, and is well known around his residence and shoppe, but prefers not to himself talk about his history despite technically being raised in Auve during his youth.

Nothing harmful evidently happened for much of that time, but that still does not erase the fact he lost one of his arms early on.

Despite being viewed with concern by outsiders occasionally, he does not view this as a complete disability. Instead, he has gained dexterity to work with only one upper limb.

This is evidenced in his efforts to maintain his shop and teach apprentices matters relating to cloth. Although the shoppe itself is not that extensive, there are people other than him working at it.

How long he has lived is ambiguous, but it evidently has been a while.


Sews his own clothing, being relatively adept at it despite the difficulty his disability causes.

He uses mannequins often while working, having multiple of these fixtures around the shoppe. Other means at considering garments however exist, if less used.

Frequently purchases vegetation from the local markets. He appears to not focus on meat as much as crops, despite occasionally obtaining a wild fowl or other manner of game from a hunter.

Appears relatively literate. Frequently reads and writes. However, appears to read rather than make his own literary prose. His creativity appears instead to be directed elsewhere.

Capable in terms of running. Enduranced, and can travel a considerable distance before becoming tired.

He appears to be from another location, if in terms of heritage. His direct ancestry came from the west of Auve. This is not often talked about however, as he prefers to focus on business primarily if someone is unfamiliar.

Does not inherently relay facts about himself, preferring to maintain distance in that respect. This creates distance between himself and others occasionally, but not enough that he can be considered aloof.

Has a sense of humour that appears to fall toward satire, if not wordplay. Sarcasm is more rare as an element.

Appears straightforward in that manner as well. He appears to exhibit caution in his conversations, aware of others' boundaries. This is an indirect factor in his behaviour, and may not always be evident.

Appears to grow trees, keeping a small grouping of them in order to obtain fruit. Other than this, he often tends a small crop space to grow his own food seasonally. Benefits such as occupying time and saving a partial degree of money are also relevant.

He earns a modest income from his shoppe, but cannot always be without restraint. Care is put into many things, his own welfare included.

Occasionally may pass donations to local charities, which are typically run by adjacent ecclesial persons that consider needs within Auve and elsewhere.

A few nearby establishments are otherwise frequented by him, usually taverns and other shoppes. Although not frequently drinking, he does occasionally aim to become intoxicated.

He cannot be called religious by far, instead focusing on other matters. Although observing related fact as something valid, it is more an ambient matter than not.

Evidently asexual and aromantic.