
Register | Auve, Braida, Ereba

A plain-oriented town. It is located on an alluvial field, many riverlets and streams existent nearby.

It is a relatively new location, many buildings only about several decades old at most. These are well kept by the inhabitants and are not excessive in structure. A functional, rather than exhibitive style appears prevalent.

It is largely a farming community, centred around crops that require abundant amounts of water. This includes wheat, sugarcane, rice, lucerne, celery, and squash.

The area is quiet typically, disturbances infrequent. Not much activity occurs about the town beyond crop festivals and other festive events.

Due to the general lack of trees, the farming expanse is easy to see around. Noting persons or activity from a distance is often possible. That has reduced the amount of crime in the area.

Various shoppes and businesses are present within Auve, mostly centered around crafts and vegetation that are locally made.

This includes a few inns and taverns, which are not ornate in structure but that are often well stocked.

The site parallels Po Valley, Northern Italy.

Index One

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Index Two

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Index Three

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