
Kineya Rokuzaemon X 『十代目杵屋六左衛門』・【秋の色種】


Kiharu Hokari | 綺陽 保刈

Apprentice | Student | Kamaitachi | Yōkai

Spontaneous and often exuberant. Despite this, can be considered even or careful in pacing, being attentive to her surroundings and related factors. Has a further awareness of the importance to her studies and maintains a degree of focus toward memorising patterns and the processes that are involved. Not easily distracted, but at times has a discerning quality concerning nearby activity. Appears capable of multitasking, her attention frequently ambient and indirect.










Large animals





Art by suonputatu0 on Deviantart


A student and apprentice to Kerr. Evidently around eleven years of age.

Frequently writes notes and patterns down in journals for her own use and for transcriptive purposes.

Occasionally makes her own edits to clothing. Typically this is for her own later use, rather than for customers.

Has studied under Kerr for a few years evidently, and has learned a considerable amount about stitchery and other methods related to the trade.

The daily hours spent at the atlier are few, but at times she attempts bigger projects which involve more focus.

Although not yet at the level of a journeyman, she is partly experienced.


Originates from a farming family, although she has decided on other pursuits evidently.

Despite being younger, she has an understanding of crops along with embroidery and alike practices. This is not yet extensive.

Has grown her own crops before, if in minute grounds. These were recent attempts, and she was proud of the result.

Stronger than she appears. Capable of carrying heavy objects with ease. This may gain as she matures.

Although not barred from holding technical weapons, she does not often have sickles and other farming tools with her due to lack of necessity.

Considerably swift. However, she remains aware of the complications acting on impulse can cause.

Likes to study insects occasionally, when the opportunity arises. Appears to like beetles and dragonflies particularly. These are often watched until moving out of sight.

Has made her own stuffed toys on occasion, using what she has learned to craft related animal likenesses.

These are occasionally mended if breaking, due to her tendency to take them along with her around the townscape on occasion.

Likes to read, but is not too adept at that yet.