Roseraie Manor

Register | Roseraie Manor, Braida, Ereba

A walled estate that covered a relative ground. The border surrounding it is far taller than the average person, making it difficult for the barrier to be easily bypassed if not using the front entry. The stone barrier has runes incorporated in its foundation, which still appear to activate if attempts to climb the wall occur. Persons affected by this find a pressure bearing down on them as they scale the height, until it grows too much to withstand. Falling inevitably occurs.

Opposite the outer side of the stone border, which is meant to keep individuals out for their own safety and the safety of the inhabitants, briar vines exist which are both nondescript and best not bothered. These have a taste for flesh and react to interference.

The landscape is benign beyond this, relatively normal trees and bushes existant about the central building.

The manor itself is preceded by a stone path from the gate, which is typically locked unless vistors are expected or wish to leave. The architecture is ornate regarding the exterior and interior decoration, the interior perhaps more so. Multiple rooms and halls exist about the structure, which are neatly kept by staff.

The owner could be considered descent from prior royalty, before such figures were removed from authorative power structures. His direct parentage were involved in certain aspects of prior wars that are presently not seen well. He is aware of this, and while unable to make amends despite prior attempts, regardless resembles his direct ancestry in manner as well as appearance. This has led to the byname 'Roserei' by some, a fact that has not been too well received.

Although the owner keeps a considerable degree of formality, it is not too irregular that rumours occur concerning activity within the walls of the estate. Some hearsay may actually be true, but what remains uncertain.

Index One

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Index Two

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Index Three

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