
Carl Czerny: Spring Song, Op.575


Vesa Celaya

Maid | Traveller | Nymph

A cautious air typically is present, existing as a background influence to most of her decisions. She often finds herself at ease in social situations or while working despite assumptions: as distractions from self-awareness. Appears to typically think in an extraneous manner rather than introspectively. Concerns are frequently present for what others impressions might be, which can cause doubt on occasion. A considerable amount of effort is involved in most of what she does, not overlooking the importance of reputation. To that extent, she may stumble over her words infrequently, stop, and continue where she started from. A cheerful demeanor often occurs in spite of hindrances.



Elegant wear


Spring seasons




River water



An excess of salt



Art by Ponko_io on Toyhouse


Had an average upbringing, her adventurousness aside. Her family have stories about their lineage. Alike to various other ancestries, this involves some truth.

She started to utilise her magic beyond chores and other necessities later into her years. Although initially finding capability useful, she realised the extent of possibility later.

Despite the dangers often reported on the roads and highways, her initial journeys were not that eventful. Travelling often occurred during the earlier hours and along frequently used roads. This still remains relevant as a pattern.

Due to various occurrences that have cost her supplies and risked her welfare, she has become more wary in contending, whether with a group or by herself.

The currency she often earns is enough of an incentive for most trips, albeit she is sensible enough to not risk her life to a great extent.


In an indirect sense, her work echoes a cleaning service.

Travels occasionally when finding it opportune, not staying indefinitely to one occupation, although the duration spent under hire varies depending on pay and other factors.

She is relatively well known by various persons, travel serving multiple purposes. Despite proficiency, she has a few competitors and has been overlooked on occasion.

Her magic involves refinement in various senses. There is yet a considerable focus on sanitation.

The results of her efforts often last longer than that of typical cleaning supplies. Relevant influence somehow keeps dust and grime from remaining.

Follows standard cleaning techniques. Due to influence, relevant tools and supplies have more efficacy than they might otherwise. While sweeping or mopping, air and water appear to become more precise rather than aimless.

Albeit infrequently utilised outside of work and travel, the capacity to 'summon' bubbles of varying magnitude is useful against threats to herself. Those of immense scale restrict or carry off relevant dangers, although not lasting indefinitely.

Dust and fragile items have frequently been subject to these factors: in order to keep grime from spreading or to relocate valuables without ruin.

Depending on the size of a building, a few to several hours might pass before the state of most rooms are improved.

She often uses part of her earnings for rooms at inns and taverns and otherwise to account for travelling to current or later work.

Infrequently returns to her residence. This only occurs when viable or necessary. She typically spends time there intermittently. This often lasts a few days to a week and encompasses more leisurely activities.

She only occasionally speaks to her relatives due to her vocation. When the opportunity arises: news, if not purchases, are given to relevant individuals for use or safekeeping.