Register | Sēquana, Steroc'h, Ereba

A river-side town, although one that features gates and borders along its edges that are occasionally boasted about for their history.

These, having survived various occurrences over the years, appear to have runes carved into them at the foundation.

The symbols are yet worn due to time passing and stand as relatively illegible.

Multiple canals and aquifers exist throughout the infrastructure, aligning with the present boundary.

The rivers connected to the city and that fuel travel and revenue have existed since prehistory. The travellers that have crossed through are innumerable and indefinite.

Gates exist and serve as entrances and exits at certain sections, and are more heavily regulated during times of disease or other difficulty.

Multiple years have passed since the last outbreak, yet protocol is still upheld.

Trades and other businesses are often established at this location. Storefronts and markets are present throughout the terrain, some periodic and others more permanent.

During market hours, local or extraneous artisans can often be found either selling wares or creating them.

The city itself can be considered a gateway to other localities, as it has been known historically.

The site parallels Rouen, France.

Index 1

Aylin 'Noctis' ??? Olvan ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Index 2

'Lacy' 'Xylo' Glace ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Index 3

Idette 'Devan' ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???